
Idol Smashing & Sweet Rewards {Lent Day #28}

The tree was for displaying words, images, and phrases depicting who God is.  There was another board upon which we pinned words that describe who we are ~ in Him.  It was a retreat for women ~ from my church and Vita Nova, a church that was planted from ours several years ago, and it was all about our identity in Christ. I came home so overjoyed at all the Lord did this weekend ~ couldn’t think of one thing that would have made the weekend any sweeter than it was.
 There were authentic testimonies regarding places we find our identity, great talks and teaching times from Scripture, creative activities to express what we were learning, meaningful small group discussions, Scripture memorization {all of Psalm 121 thanks to Tracy}, an informative sexuality panel discussion for the single women and another for the married women, quiet times for prayer, worship through music and singing, wonderful meals and snacks.
Tracy getting creative and rhythmic with us in learning Psalm 121 ☺ 
I absolutely loved having Jenny with us over the weekend.  Completely blind, she courageously participated in all aspects of the retreat and refreshed every heart with her audible reactions to the things being said or sung.  It was so wonderful to experience the retreat through her eyes ~ which can often see and perceive so much more than mine.

 We discussed identity in three parts: Created, Fallen, and Redeemed.  Fallen identity has so much to do with idol worship.  In our fallen state we forsake our Creator and glorious calling to be His image bearers, and true worshipers, and worship things we’ve created ourselves.  It’s about control.  It’s about me, me, me.
 On the back of the paper that we wrote {in washable marker} who we are in Christ on, we wrote our current idols that need to be smashed or released to Christ.  Things like self, other people, relationships with and attention from men, money, titles, performance, morality, success, comfort, security, sex, food…even depression and victimization and control illness and husbands and children can turn into idols when we look to them for definition.
Then we dipped those written idols in colored glue and decoupaged a wooden cross with them.  The next morning, the colors had bled and blended together to make a beautiful cross symbolizing what Christ can do when we forsake our idols and walk in our identity as redeemed daughters with royal and imperishable inheritances!
Four pregnant mamas joined us for the weekend ~ two of which are in their ninth month!  Thankfully, we didn’t have any retreat births ~ or maybe THAT would have been the one thing that would have sweetened the retreat ~ a newborn babe!?!
And then…THEN!  After dropping off a van load of beautiful Mt. Holyoke ladies at their respective dorms and de-briefing over lunch with my dear friend, Christie, I called Robert on my way back home.  He informed me that Cooper had been chosen to receive “The Spirit of the Game” award for his basketball team and that it would be given at a game that would start in 15 minutes. {No cell service at the retreat center!} I hurried back and went straight to the high school where the game was being played.  I missed him receiving his award by about 5 minutes, so, sadly, I don’t have photos of the brief half-time ceremony.

If anyone deserves this award it is Cooper! He truly loves the game and is a solid, faithful, coach-able player.  I could not be happier that his coach noticed this love and Cooper’s efforts to be a good teammate with a good attitude.  Cooper almost passed on the opportunity to play in this league, after being disappointed that he did not make the high school team this year.  He sort of wanted to give up in his discouragement.  I think that makes the award that much more special.  Way to go, Coop!  So proud of YOU!

Lord, my confession today is that You are so good and full of abundant provision and gifts for Your children.  Provision and abundance on top of the already extravagant gift of salvation.  It is often too much to take in.  So thankful today.

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