Adorning the Truth, Wonderful Womanhood

Why I Admire Martha

Confession: I admire Martha.

Yes, the same Martha who was “distracted with much serving.” (Luke 10:40) The one Jesus gently rebuked for being troubled about unnecessary things. The woman who, in her bitterness, missed out on “the good portion” of sitting at the feet of Jesus. (Luke 10:42)

You know the one – Mary’s uptight sister about whom countless books have been written and sermons have been preached urging female (and male) audiences everywhere: Don’t be like Martha!

She, like all of us, had her issues, but in spite of her bad rap, I truly admire her. Here’s why:

“When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went and met him, but Mary remained seated in the house.” (John 11:20)

(Mary had her issues, too.)

Going to Meet Christ

By this time in Martha’s life, she wasn’t as worried about offering perfect hospitality to Jesus and had even become one of His good friends, as had her sister Mary and their now-deceased brother, Lazarus.

Martha went and met Him on the road to her house to express her disappointment that Jesus had not come sooner – “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died” –  and to see if He could work a miracle on their behalf – “I know that whatever you ask from God, God will give you.” (John 11: 21-22)

When Jesus reassures Martha that Lazarus will rise again, Martha affirms this with her sound, but limited understanding regarding the resurrection: “I know he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.” (John 11:24)

Jesus, in one of His most profound utterances, and with one of His most powerful truths, lets her – a woman – in on an extremely important theological reality.

As a Jew, she believed there would be some sort of eternal life after death on the earth. Her Scriptures taught her as much. But Martha was missing something – something big. She rightly believed that the resurrection was a future event, but she did not realize that it was also much more than that. So Jesus, in one of His most profound utterances, and with one of His most powerful truths, lets her – a woman – in on an extremely important theological reality:

“I am the resurrection and the life.” (John 11:25)

As a Christian, this is a mind-boggling revelation to me. As a woman, it is a precious moment and interchange with the Savior that affirms my own longing to pursue further knowledge of Christ and His Word. Like Martha, I possess a desire to go out and meet Him, gaining understanding as I do. Watching how Jesus responds to Martha by disclosing such incredible truths and realities to her is beautiful to me and only kindles the yearning.

Knowing Christ and Gaining Understanding

Though I’m physically on campus this semester (and graduating in May, Lord willing!), over the last five years, I’ve had the opportunity to pursue a Master’s degree online at Southeastern Theological Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC. Taking graduate level courses in Old and New Testament, Ethics, Systematic Theology, Church History and more has satisfied a longing to know more about God and His Word while challenging me to properly apply the knowledge for my own sake and the benefit of others. I think Martha would have enjoyed seminary.

A recurring thought I’ve had in the course of getting this degree has been “Every woman should do this!” The things I’ve learned and the skills I’ve gained have deepened my love for God and His Word and helped me to explain Him to others. My homework often brings me to my knees in worship.

Knowing that the time, energy and money required for an advanced degree prevents many women from taking that route, I wanted to tell you about another opportunity that Southeastern Seminary provides for women. It’s called the Biblical Women’s Institute.

Biblical Women’s Institute

This certificate program offers online courses taught by actual seminary professors as well as knowledgeable, godly women. The courses are only $25 and are open to all women everywhere. Classes include topics like Old Testament I and II, New Testament I and II, Knowing God (Theology) I and II, Church Life I and II, Women and Evangelism, Biblical Theology of Womanhood, and Christian Doctrine.

If you are a woman longing to know Christ more intimately and be better equipped to teach and serve your family, friends, and the women in your church, I heartily recommend the Biblical Women’s Institute.

Why not recruit a fellow Martha and take an online course together? I can guarantee the expansion and deepening of your biblical knowledge as well as the encouragement of your heart, not to mention fulfillment of the command to love the Lord with your mind.

This article was originally written for the BCNE and posted here.