
Seeing and Savoring Supremely {Lent Day #31}

Those are the kids of words that John Piper always uses when talking about how, in new birth and regeneration, we are now able to view and treasure Christ.  I’ve never read Desiring God (I know, I know…), but I’ve heard him speak plenty of times, and I’m reading a book of his right now called Finally Alive.  It’s a really great, tedious thorough treatment of the concept of “new birth.”  I’m sticking with it, though, because I want to understand it better for myself.

And those words, phrases ~ “see and savor” and “treasure supremely” are not necessarily Mr. Piper’s original words.  He’s really just re-phrasing what the apostle Paul said in Philippians 3…

I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ. (v.8)
…and suggesting that in the “new birth” after our previous spiritual deadness, this savoring of Christ supremely is possible.  We weren’t able to treasure Him like this before in our hardness and resistance, but now we can.
It hit me this morning that I don’t think I can say along with Paul and with complete honesty that I count ALL things rubbish compared to Christ.  In fact, I think I treasure the things He gives and provides for me over Him alone.  I “see and savor” home and marriage and children and the natural beauty of creation and friends and food and travel and ministry ~ and I often thank Him for these wonderful gifts, but I don’t know if I would treasure Him the same without these things.  Knowing Him, cherishing Him, savoring Him supremely ~  suffering the loss of any “thing” in order to gain Him ~ just Him.  I confess I am not there yet, but hope to grow in those things daily.