
Identity Crisis or Christ’s Identity {Lent Day #25}

“In Christianity, your activity does not determine your identity.”
I’m away at another women’s retreat today ~ The Beloved Retreat. This one is for the women of my church and a sister church in town ~ as opposed to the Burly Man Retreat which was a few weeks ago and for the menfolk. ☺ All of the talks, discussions, teaching times, and activities for the weekend have been planned to help women live in light of this truth.  Pray for us to believe it and act according to the freedom this truth allows!
There will be three talks ~ one on Created Identity {In His Image}, one on Fallen Identity{Idolatry}, and one on what a Redeemed Identity {Co-Heirs with Christ!?!} looks like.  The last talk is my responsibility, and I pray the Lord would use me and the other speakers to communicate well these truths.  Please pray for us if you think of it today!
Mark Driscoll just wrote a book on this concept of identity.  I haven’t been able to read much of it, but so far it has been offered very helpful insight. In this quick clip from a sermon he unlocks a really important point regarding identity and activity.
Lord, forgive me for not just resting in my identity in Christ ~ which is a gift from You ~ and unaltered by what I do or do not do. Help my unbelief and forgive my thinking that being known for or identified by something else is better.