
Crazy Weeks Cute Hats

 There have been plane trips made, knees replaced, groceries bought, pies made, turkeys brined, guests hosted, a Christmas tree chopped, a Christmas tree lit, Elf watched, a house decorated, a church hung with greens, advent bags hung, and snow twice fallen…
 …emails returned, a debate competition hosted, essays graded, Latin quizzes made, homework prizes given, homework charts created, lists made, some gifts bought, cards ordered, stamps bought, tea party invitations sent, a Bible studied, devotions had, read-alouds read, birthday gifts mailed off, basketball tryouts attended, disappointing results received, cheer-up root beer purchased, prayers said, marriage sermons listened to, and small groups reminded…
…homeschool help given, perimeters measured, polynomials factored, nouns declined, verbs conjugated, dance class attended, 24hr cross-country marathon fund-raisers finished, un-birthdays celebrated, gifts delivered, meals delivered, pizzas made, college essays edited, letters of recommendation requested, vaccination records obtained, lots-o-copies at Staples made, college applications express-mailed, college acceptances received, a chiropractor seen, a finger infected, a finger scalpeled and with liquid nitrogen sprayed {ouch!}, lunch with a friend squeezed in, more birthdays celebrated, more lunch dates with best friends had, and more shopping today done…

…which resulted in a couple of cute hats by Kayla bought and worn!

And this mom smiling at the cuteness of unique kids by Christ created.

Oh ~ and a 1000 gifts list almost completed.  November’s list come Monday ~ posted.

December ~ here we go!  Started perfectly this morning with a light snow fallen!

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