
Gluten Free Friday – Matooke

Our homeschool group is studying geography this year. After each continent is studied for 3-6 weeks, we all gather for a time of reports and presentations. I say gather, because we did decide to split our growing-very-large-group. We are now two groups of 7 and 8 families. On report weeks we gather as a large group and the kids each do a special report on something they’ve learned about the particular continent. Our first continent to study was Africa, so the Krum children did a group project on the country of Uganda. Cooper created the middle section of this display board and shared general information about the country, Kayla reported on the animals and food of Uganda, and Kory discussed a political and humanitarian issue going on currently. We were, of course, inspired by my teacher and long time friend Kelly R. who sponsors several children in Uganda, and has traveled there the past two summers to visit them and give aid to the crisis of the IDP camps.
As part of Kayla’s report on food of Uganda, we made a traditional dish called Matooke – (mah-toe-kee) which is a beef and plantain stew, and Ugali – which is a sort of cornbread. This is Kayla coating the cubed plantains with lemon juice. Plantains don’t ripen as quick as bananas and have a more firm flesh. They ended up feeling/tasting like a potato in the finished stew dish.
My good friend Izckra and I served each of the kids a plate of Matooke and Ugali, as well as pineapple and mango which are native fruits to Uganda. Everyone seemed to enjoy the taste, and all of it was gluten free, so here’s the recipe in case you want to be brave and go Ugnadan for dinner anytime soon!


8-10 plantains
lemon juice
oil for sauteeing
1 onion, chopped
2-3 tomatoes, or 1 can whole tomatoes, chopped
3-4 garlic cloves, pressed
1/2 – 1 tsp each – salt, coriander, and cayenne (smells sooooo good!)
2-3 pounds stew beef
4 cups GF beef broth

Place stew beef in covered baking dish and bake @ 300 degrees for 2 hours – until tender.

While beef cooks:

Peel plantains, cut into cubes, coat with lemon juice, and set aside

Heat oil in large pan. Saute onions, tomatoes, and garlic until tender. Add broth and spices – simmer.

Add beef to the broth mixture. Simmer 30 minutes.

Add cubed plantains to beef and broth and simmer together until plantains are tender.