
Back to School

So, I took a whole suitcase of books to Texas intending to do school there, despite the mocking of some, and the exhortation of others to leave all semblance of typical home life behind for the month. But, it didn’t happen. The suitcase was never even unzipped. Oh, there was all kinds of “education” going on – how to sword fight with your cousins, budget your Christmas money knowing we would be in a new place with new shops every few days, trapping and skinning wild hogs, fishing, having self-control while mom and dad visited with countless adult friends from the past who “knew you when you were just this big”, choosing which Mexican food restaurant to go to this time, how to plead with airline customers to switch seats with you so you can sit by your mom, etc.But now we are officially back to school. And here is Kayla doing the “Apple Jack Cookies” measuring lesson from Saxon Math. (Yes, I know that is Lesson 59.) She practiced some fractions using the measuring cups and spoons. The gluten free version of these cookies was interesting – they all kind of melted into one another on the cookie sheet, but they were very good. Her performance on the worksheet later reassured me that the month off did no lasting harm!

2 thoughts on “Back to School

  1. Yum!! I wish I was there having afternoon coffee with one of Kay Kay’s cookies! I miss you guys!

    I think she grew on the plane ride home! HI Kayla! Madeline misses you so much!!!

  2. Oh, mama! I know there was SO MUCH schooling going on through your January travels.

    Did Melissa ever tell you about the GF cookies I tried to make for her and Jeff when they were on the One Accord team?! Oh my gosh! They melted into the biggest, crumbly mess EVER. Melissa and Jeff were very gracious about it, of course, but I felt so dumb. It was my first try at cooking (baking) anything GF and it was a fantastic FLOP!

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