
Homeschool History Highlights

History group is the highlight of our week. It is such a blessing to come together with nine other moms and our combined 30 children! The moms…Trish, Ruth, Aimee, Pam, Betsy, Me, Izckra, Christina, and Laurie – Carolyn was missing this day. These are truly amazing women! Each one inspires me in a different way to be a better mom, wife, homemaker, teacher, and follower of Christ. What a gift!
We split the kids up into three groups: 1. pre-school/nursery 2. Kindergarten-2nd grade 3. 3rd – 7th grade. Two moms are responsible for the teaching – one for the K-2nd group, and one for the 3rd-7th group. The rest just take care of the babies/preschoolers and fill in where help is needed in the other groups.
This is the younger class. They were learning about Justinian the Great. (We all follow the Veritas Press Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation curriculum) Justinian, ruler of the eastern empire, built the largest and most beautiful Byzantine church ever – the Hagia Sophia. Here the girls are dressed as the artisans who created the mosaics and other beautiful details of the church. The boys are armed with weapons ready to defend the empire against the Huns and other invaders.

K-2nd graders making the mosaics and weapons.

Interestingly, the 3rd-7th grade class is made up of 12 BOYS! Not one girl in the group. And only 4 girls out of 9 in the K-2nd group. Much football has been played because of this dynamic. They have about a half an hour to play together before class starts and then another hour after. We meet from 12:30 – 3 or 3:30.

The BOY class creating their mosaics. And yes, there were a couple of football scene mosaics.

We’ll even be having a Medieval themed Christmas party in a few weeks!
We are so thankful for this group. It is a source of encouragement, friendship, prayer, motivation, accountability and much joy!