
New Chix Pix and Trix

Monday was chicken-pick-up-day at the farm supply store in town. (Tuesday was ducks, Wednesday was turkeys, and Thursday was Bantams.) We pre-ordered 6 more chicks to add to our flock of 8. This way, in the fall, we would be getting about a dozen eggs a day. Sounds like a lot, but the truth is that between eating them for breakfast, using them for baking and making chicken salads and such, we use almost that many! Any extras have already been spoken for by eager friends and church family who are willing to pay for them!
Well……we ordered 6 – 3 Rhode Island Reds, and 3 Aracaunas, but we came home with 8! While we were standing in line waiting our turn in the “chicken distribution room” (really just upstairs offices at the farm supply store) I was lamenting the fact that we had not ordered any Buff Orpingtons. This breed is a beautiful honey-colored chicken, and we have a friend who has a couple of them – one named “Cider” which goes so well with its color and New England home!
When we got into the room and were given our 6, the store clerk asked us if we would like any “extra.” They always order extra, but also want to be sure and get rid of the extras. I think they may have had trouble with this in the past, so this year they asked each customer on the spot whether or not they’s like a few more. In a weak moment I asked if there were any Buff Orpington “extras,” and she said there happened to be three. I looked at Kory who was holding up three fingers, but decided to just ask for two. Most people know that I do not love animals, but this was indeed a cruel trick! They are so cute and so tiny, that you just think “What trouble could two more be!” and you pay the $4 that 2 more chickens cost and go home with a box full of of chirping cuteness!
So, I think we’ll definitely have at least our dozen eggs per day once October rolls around!

3 thoughts on “New Chix Pix and Trix

  1. Awww these babies are too cute, I love the fluffy Orpington! I hope they don’t end up in your chicken salads too…

  2. Super-sweet! Good thing they didn’t ask me if I wanted any “extras” when we adopted our dog this weekend. I am a sucker for all animals and would have had a car-ful. Enjoy all those eggs! You might want to start painting a sign that says “Fresh Eggs for Sale”!

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