
Chickens: Triumph and Tragedy

If you prayed for our chickens to start laying eggs, thank you so much! 🙂 I believe it was the very next day that I received a call while having coffee with a couple of women from church at Starbucks. It was an out-of-breath Cooper calling to report that Kayla had just discovered an egg in the back yard right outside of the chicken coop! We were so excited, and we have now received our 4th egg of the week! I think they are all from the same chicken, so you could pray for the other ladies to follow the fine example of their producing girlfriend/coop-mate!

The tragic part of this story is that the next day I sent Kory and Kayla out around 5pm to check for more eggs. (This was the same time of day they had found the first egg.) It’s dark here at that time, so I gave them a flashlight. They quickly returned with Kory announcing that he had seen a fox enter the coop. (I figured he was trying to get out of the errand.) Robert went out with Kory to check on the girls and discovered a very disturbing scene in the coop. A fox had indeed been in the coop and had attacked one of the Plymouth Rock (black and white striped) chickens. It was still alive, but suffering greatly. So…..farmer Robert had to come back to the house for a hatchet and then go and put the poor girl out of her misery. I think Kayla cried for almost an entire hour. And Kory had to be Robert’s assistant – holding the flashlight and an open bag to dispose of the body. Needless to say, the whole family had trouble getting to sleep that night. Not sure we’re cut out for farm life! And we’re now down to 8 chickens.

4 thoughts on “Chickens: Triumph and Tragedy

  1. I’m so sorry about you chicken, and that the kiddos were involved! I hope the “farm life” gets better! It’s hard to imagine when people had to actually kill their animals for their dinner! I would never have survived!

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