
A Nice Review of My Book…

Just wanted to let you know of a review that Gluten Free Chef and Author, Tina Turbin, did of my book today on her site.
And by the way, the book is doing pretty well, especially considering that I do absolutely NO marketing of it!  I should, I know, but WHEN?  It could be a full time job, and I already have a few of those.  I sell about 5 a month via Amazon.  I do have a few ideas about how I could do a little bit of publicizing it each month.  Now, to execute those…


Tina has also written a couple of books on gluten free living.  Check out her blog for inspiring posts about the GF life!

1 thought on “A Nice Review of My Book…

  1. Look at you GO, Mel! Just when I thought you already did it ALL… you go and show just one more thing on that very full plate of yours. 😉

    Love you! SO SO proud of you!

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