
The Tree Tradition

Every year on the day after Thanksgiving, we get our Christmas tree and spend the day decorating it and the house. Since we’ve lived in New England we’ve actually gone to real tree farms and cut our own!
This year we found a new tree farm in our town that we had never been to. It was beautiful – just the home of a family with the tree farm set behind on a gently rolling landscape. We enjoyed strolling up and down the rows of trees looking for the perfect one. Usually, when we thought we had found THE ONE, it had already been “tagged”, which means that someone else had come at an earlier time and claimed it as their own, to be cut down at a later date. (We may have to add the tagging tradition next year!)
Eventually, we found one we all agreed upon, and a very sweet 12 year old boy (in the red suit) pulled up on his tractor and sawed it down effortlessly. He was a pro, and quite the friendly salesman! And the price? None were posted, so we were bracing ourselves. In the heated shed for checking out our total was quoted: “That’ll be $18.00.”
Amazing! A steal in the tree business – at least in our experience. We were blessed!
Here is our ever- growing -taller Kayla-girl, posing with the newly decorated tree and blazing fire in her cozy pj’s. She’s way in to “coziness” these days, and loves to “snuggle” with Mom or Dad in bed or on the couch. Add hot tea or cocoa, and she’s your best friend!

3 thoughts on “The Tree Tradition

  1. Mel,

    Kayla should be Danish. The Danes are way into “coziness.” They have a word for it: “hygge”, (pron. hu-gah). It evokes more than just coziness, though. It’s creating a whole atmosphere … candles in the home, drinking hot chocolate or hot cider with friends, after just having come in from the cold, sitting around the fire telling stories. I found a website that describes it well, and this Danish woman has a blog, too, that is very interesting. AND i think she might even be gluten-free … she mentioned cooking a gluten-free Christmas dinner. http://hyggehouse.com/. (I love the Danes.)

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